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Business Colleagues

Our disciplined process and action-oriented collaboration deliver unmatched value. 

Plain and simple, ACSC is not a 'talk group'.

Our Process

Core topics are driven by member requests. ACSC drives a structured process which invites thoughtful discourse and debate from all disciplines - security, risk, governance, practical operation, etc. - but ensures the endgame is "take back to your organization" actionable guidance. 


Focus the peer research

Shaped by member priorities


Working with member leads, we craft an initial research plan, incorporating well-informed hypotheses that will be tested and refined throughout the process.


Conduct member and expert interviews

Testing hypotheses and establishing key takeaways


Interviews establish the framework and content for member convenings, including key takeaways and actionable strategies and steps.


Facilitate peer sharing

Focused on actionable takeaways


Selected members present case studies to open the briefings and roundtables, and pose questions for peer feedback to further develop actionable takeaways.


Publish briefing summaries and research reports

Driving change within member organizations


Easy to consume peer practice publications are designed for members to benchmark and shape management strategies.

The Advanced Cyber Security Center (ACSC)

at Northeastern University Innovation Campus  |  (617) 485-1112

©2023 by ACSC

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